For women who are led by service to make millions through wealth creation and impact in the world
Want more safe space,  justice and financial independence  (not co-dependence) for women?
Come as you are, you belong here...

Do you have a love, hate relationship with money?

I hear you, you want:
  • To drop the money shame
  • ​To achieve financial freedom and build your business revenue and personal brand
  • ​To create more wealth with ease and flow and put more savings into your bank account 
  • ​To hold onto more wealth (quit those overspending, overgiving and overhoarding cycles)
  • ​To have strong financial foundations that support your growth and expansion
  • ​To have investment and savings pots overflowing 
  • ​To set financial goals and actually stick to them
  • Feel like you are forever chasing the numbers 
  • ​Throwing money away
  • Self sabotaging and playing small 
  • Wanting to make more profit for YOU
I hear you.
We often spend so many hours ON our businesses we don't take the time to focus on what really makes the difference.


Taking your business growth to the next level is scary! I hear you.

With each new level it brings about a new paradigm shift.
  • A shift in mindset
  • ​A shift in energy
  • A shift in focus
Business is not about getting everything perfect! It is the small steps of imperfection that will help you grow. Plus the magic money mindset that will support you to feel deserving to make money, keep it and grow it!
There is no cookie cutter approach to business and there is no cookie cutter to wealth creation.

But one thing is important and that is about creating sustainable wealth. Focusing on your profits, not your sales.

But it is when a group of women leaders come together, powerful change happens.

Collaboration over competition.

Expand your wealth, income and impact in your business

Feel good about accepting more personal wealth for you!

Experience support within an intimate female CEO community

Now is your time. You are ready to be a Wealthy Woman. 

Who is the Wealth Evolution Mastermind for? 

Female entrepreneurs with existing businesses who want personalised support, integration and a powerful experience of both practical and mindset support to reach your financial freedom goals. 

You do not need to be earning a minimum amount but you do need to be committed to showing up for yourself and for others in this Mastermind. 

We believe in supporting women of all levels of wealth to up level to their next level of Wealth.

"I had my best month's income ever in my business."

Amongst other things, I had my best month's income ever in my business. I went from an employees mindset to a CEO mindset. I got a personal and business financial plan sorted, I got a strategy for building my audience, building my email list and my credibility as the go to in my industry. I met the most amazing women. Working with Catherine has been the best investment I've ever made.

- Emma Gosling, Money Mindset Coach

"I know this shift will serve me for a lifetime!"

Working with Catherine in the mastermind this year has changed the way I think about business. Having always operated from a high-stress and masculine way of working, I have been able to shift into a more relaxed and balanced way of being that is allowing me to build my business in an aligned way that is proving to be much better for my overall health and wellbeing as well as my business itself. I know this shift will serve me for a lifetime!

Being part of the mastermind has allowed me to step into being ME in my business and the strong connections and friendships I have made have supported me in owning my authentic self, and have inspired me to begin building a business doing something that I truly love!

- Charlotte Fuller, Women in Tech Confidence Coach

"I feel more confident than ever with the launch of my very first podcast"

I joined the mastermind with a growing financial planning and coaching business and a respected brand. However, like many in the financial industry I was under charging and over giving, leaving me without the space to invest time and energy in growing my business. Since I joined the mastermind I doubled my pricing and through some inspiring coaching sessions, and guest expert talks, I felt empowered to realise that my business is high ticket and the results I create can only be created if I attract clients that strive for a high ticket planner and coach. Since I raised my prices, not only have I received more client inquiries from my ideal client, I have broken through my end of year goal of creating £10k a month into my business, 6 months early. I am now thinking much bigger, focussing on high ticket VIP experiences, using my unique assets and location to launch a unique offering that sets me apart from my peers. Plus I feel more confident than ever with the launch of my very first podcast, with Catherines support I have designed a podcast that is going to be epic and could take my business to levels I aspired to, but didn't think was possible. 

- Emma Wright, Financial Empowerment Coach & Wealth Strategist

"It far surpasses other similar things I’ve been on!"

Also feeling called to say to you that I am absolutely loving the mastermind and already getting loads out of it. It far surpasses other similar things I’ve been on in terms of support (practically, emotionally and energetically). Thank you thank you thank you.

- Ali Knight, Intuitive Soul Coach 

"I have broken through my end of year goal of creating £10k a month into my business"

I joined the mastermind with a growing financial planning and coaching business and a respected brand. However, like many in the financial industry I was under charging and over giving, leaving me without the space to invest time and energy in growing my business. Since I joined the mastermind I doubled my pricing and through some inspiring coaching sessions, and guest expert talks, I felt empowered to realise that my business is high ticket and the results I create can only be created if I attract clients that strive for a high ticket planner and coach. Since I raised my prices, not only have I received more client inquiries from my ideal client, I have broken through my end of year goal of creating £10k a month into my business, 6 months early. I am now thinking much bigger, focussing on high ticket VIP experiences, using my unique assets and location to launch a unique offering that sets me apart from my peers. Plus I feel more confident than ever with the launch of my very first podcast, with Catherines support I have designed a podcast that is going to be epic and could take my business to levels I aspired to, but didn't think was possible. 

- Emma Wright, Financial Empowerment Coach & Wealth Strategist

What you get:

A 75 Min 1:1 with Catherine for 
Wealth Strategy + Deep Money Trauma Support using her signature methods

Get personalised support from Catherine, a Multi Award winning and multi 6 figure Entrepreneur to plan out your strategy and heal your money traumas - Value £2,000

(Weekly)  90 Min Group Hot Seating

Online masterminding with Catherine (3 weeks of the month and 1 week for implementation) to get laser coaching, strategic support & the latest business innovations to support your business to grow - Value Unlimited

24/7 Access

Grow your wealthy woman mindset and wealth with 'on the go' access with a Private Slack Channel including advice on health, copy for your offers and more 
Value Unlimited 

Access to 7 and 8 figure experts

Guest experts in mindset, sales, strategy and wealth creation 
Value Unlimited 

All in Support and Love

Access to Catherine and the communities knowledge, support and love
Value Unlimited 

The Wealthy Woman Hub

Access to the Wealthy Woman Hub - Video trainings, Job Hire Templates, Meditations, Business Planning Templates, Marketing Planners, Podcast Launch Plans and more to help you grow your business
Value £10,000 

A Wealthy Woman Gift 

A gift - To represent a woman Stepping into wealth
Value - It's a surprise!

Quarterly Investing Circle Sessions

 Learn how to invest and 'Grow your Wealth.' We will also choose a cause or charity we want to support collectively and invest in as a collective to grow the impact we have in the world. Learn about different wealth assets such as property and the stock market.
Value £2,000

Weekly Accountability Calls

Weekly Accountability Zoom Calls with my team to help hold space for action, accountability and progression forward in your business
Value Unlimited

2 x  4 Day Retreats in Jersey

Access 2 x 4-day face-to-face intimate Wealthy Woman Retreats with Activities such as Breath work experiences and Boat Trips (flights and accommodation not included) 
Value £7,000

 What we stand for: 


    Normalising wealth for all women


    Creating a safe space and justice for women 


    Collective contributions to grow our planet and giveback - Give more to receive more wealth - give as a collective to charities or projects that we want to support and align with our values 

Meet Your Mentor

About Catherine 

Hi I’m Catherine. Most often found in my fave PJ's, tea lover (builders for the win), and not-so-secret Cath Kidston addict.

I am here to create more safe space and justice for women.
As a Financial Adviser, Coach and expert in several money healing modalities, my gift is to help you heal your money trauma and step into wealth®. 

I am on a mission to help one million of us become financially resilient, so together we can create a world that’s full of safe, healthy, wealthy women who aren’t afraid to trust their intuition and follow their bliss.

I am a qualified Financial Planner, Certified Financial Coach, Certified Practitioner in NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming), Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, Certified Hypnotherapy Practitioner, Financial Abuse Specialist ® and a Trauma of Money Method ® Facilitator.


Save £1500 + get complimentary access to The Wealthy Woman School digital course worth £1997

Investment In Full
A 75 Min 1:1 with Catherine for Personal Strategy 
Value £2,000

Quarterly Investing Circle Sessions
Value £2,000

Weekly (3 weeks per month) 90 Min Online Group Mastermind Calls
Value Unlimited

Access to The Wealthy Woman Hub - video trainings, Job Hire Templates,  Meditations, Business Planning Templates, Podcast Launch Plans, Marketing Planners and more to help you grow your business
Value £10,000

2 x 4-Day Annual Retreats in Jersey
Value £7,000

Weekly Accountability Calls
Value Unlimited

Access to our Wealthy Woman School ® Digital Programme
Value £1997

Spread The Investment

12 x Instalments
A 70 Min 1:1 with Catherine for Personal Strategy 
Value £2,000

Quarterly Investing Circle Sessions
Value £2,000

Weekly (3 weeks per month) 90 Min Online Group Mastermind Calls
Value Unlimited 

Access to The Wealthy Woman Hub - video trainings, Job Hire Templates, Meditations, Business Planning Templates, Marketing Planners, Podcast Launch Plans and more to help you grow your business
Value £10,000

2 x 4-Day Annual Retreats in Jersey
Value £7,000

Weekly Accountability Calls
Value Unlimited

"After the first session I put away £2700 in 10 days."

After the first session I put away £2700 in 10 days. January will be my biggest month in revenue ever. I now have more purchases for myself now but from a place of love because I AM WORTHY and deserve them. 

- Sophie Deardon


Disclosure: Catherine Morgan Limited may receive financial compensation from a merchant if a reader chooses to purchase goods/services via links on this website. You are in no way obligated to make any purchases and there is no additional cost to the reader by using these links. I am always honest in my opinions and will only recommend products or services that I have either used myself, or that I believe could be of benefit to readers. Any information given on this site is not to be taken as Financial advice and is therefore not regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
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